Virgin Islands, U.S.

Current local date and time right now in Virgin Islands, U.S.

09:44:48 pm
July 26, 2024 Friday
This time is 04 hour backward than UTC time.
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Local Time in Virgin Islands, U.S.

The time in Virgin Islands, U.S. is 04 hour back of UTC. The GMT offset of Virgin Islands, U.S. is UTC -04:00. The IANA Time Zone of Virgin Islands, U.S. is America/St_Thomas. The Time Zone abbreviation of America/St_Thomas is AST. Virgin Islands, U.S. does not practice the Daylight Saving Time(DST) System.

Details for the time in Virgin Islands, U.S.

Current time:09:44:48 pm
Time zone :AST
IANA time zone:America/St_Thomas
UTC time difference :-04:00
Your time difference : This time is 04 hour backward than UTC time.

More Details for Virgin Islands, U.S.

Country Code:
Currency Code :
FIPS Code:
North, South, East, West :, , ,
Capital :
Continent Name : ()
Languages :
Telephone Prefix :

Current World Date Time